Gamma–, beta- and alpha- spectrometer–radiometer TRIO


Baltic scientific instruments

Spectrometer TRIO is designed for registration of gamma-, beta- and alpha radiation and for measuring activity (specific and  volumetric activity) of natural radionuclides (for example Ra-226, Th-232, K-40, Rn-222), technogenic radionuclides (for example Cs-137, Cs-134, Co-60, mTc-99, Sr-90 and etc.) in water, food, vegetation, building materials, soil samples, radiopharmaceuticals, rocks, chemical industry materials, alloys, scrap metal and other technological products. Also, it is used for measuring gross specific activity of beta- and alpha- emitting radionuclides in water.


  • Ability to manage several channels simultaneously
  • Intuitive and user-friendly software
  • Low Power Consumption
  • Compact size of each chamber
  • Free to choose channels of your interest depending on application
  • Easy extension of channel quantity
  • 100% remote control of the spectrometer TRIO via software package

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